
The first blog...

This is the first blog bitchesssssssss!!!

Ok, I'll introduce myself for now.

I am Eri from the craziest world Japan.
Since I'm pure Japanese, my English is not perfect. I'm learning. forever.
(Can anyone help my English please? ;P)
The reason why I do want to use English on the blog is that I am interested in the global fashion.
I love American fashion. I love British fashion. I love French fashion. And so and so forth...
I've been checking some blogger such as Natalie Suarez, and Rumi Neely who inspired me a lot.
Now I'm a university student majoring English in Japan, but I'd like to study fashion more...

Well, soon you get to know about me because I'm the simple person.

Today, I went to a fashion show of LANDS OF Eden.
This is the first small real fashion show for me!!!
I won the tickets from Elle girl. (Thank you!) 
Here are some pics...

Anna Tsuchiya!!! Japanese famous model and singer.
I shook her hand!!!!!!!

And here are some goodies I've got today. ...black apple cookie.... cool.

I took some videos as well.
I'll upload them asap ;)
And I'll make some comments for the fashion show.
Now it's late at night so my eyes gonna be like =_= (←this is really Japanese right? lol)
Stay tuned!
